Play station games make me so sleepy I just can't play them.

My friends and I play every other day and all I want to do is go to bed.

I really just want to get back to full time school.

I really want to see my friends.

I miss them so much.

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I know when you are little you get so excited about everything and it almost makes your heart skip a beat

At least it does m

It's kind of hard to put into words exactly what it feels like, but I will try

I miss hearing my mom say "Your just so excit

The best was the feeling you got when you walked in the door, everyone was jumping up and down and screaming "HEY!" with smiles from ear to 

"You get it I am happy and exci

The world as you know it has end

Well that was always fu

It felt good to be apprecia

It felt good to be nee

Most of all it felt good to be loved and apprecia

That's the thing about older kids it is a sense of secur

They have it all figured out and things are done how they need to be d

I will always miss that sense of secur

That sense of security can give you a sense of being loved, which in turn makes you want to be bet

Now I'm not talking about who is the better cook, who is the better parent, who is the better, who is more organized, on and on and

I'm talking about simple things like t

It is all too often we find our self worrying about things that don't need to be worried ab

I will always miss t

I always miss my friends and fam

I miss being able to rely on them for anyth

I will always miss not having to worry about the simple thi

Like my mom taking time to tell me she loves

I miss having someone just drop in on me randomly just to say

The time we use so frivolously is not the time it is ta

Nothing happens by accid

Everything happens for a rea

At the end of the day, nothing matters but what your family and friends think of 

It doesn't matter how you come across, you have to put yourself out there to know what is real and what is

Be proud of who you are, find someone who wants you for who you are, be strong and be happy and live a happy l

In short be fearl


You say it isn't fair, you say it isn't fun and you say you can't be an adult, but yet you still want to know what all the fun is ab

What does all this rah rah stuff m

The only thing I want out of life is a husband and a couple k

Honestly that's

I love being able to go out and explore and have adventu

I like having someone to laugh with and share good times w

I also like being able to share good times with people who I care about and enjoy spending time w

Why should that change as I get ol

I have lived my life with a desire to go out and explore, figure out what is what and how to get from point A to poin

I don't want to be a perpetual 20 somethin

I want to grow up a bit, but not get too big for my br

I think that most people my age take the security of their families and age out of the pict

It is up to us to make it what it is suppose to

Take the jump and start something 

Take that chance and travel, go and try something 

I've finally made it out of the gates and onto m

I'm beginning to figure out who I am, who I want to be and who I want to be w

I am finding my center and I am beginning to find my way back to what it is suppose to

This is a journey that is different for every individual, but we can all make it to the 

Things have been relatively calm and smooth these past couple of weeks, just a few really good days thrown in the 

It was nice to spend some time with my best friend this past weekend and have a few good ta

We've had many conversations like that in the past but the emotion behind the words was more intense this t

The conversation was very similar to the ones we have had in the past, yet this time the words were more thought 

I have grown so much as a person since coming h

I'm happ

I am more confid

I am able to be myself more often than 

My happiness for the day revolves around getting a chance to be with the people I care about and have a great t

I have discovered a freedom that I didn't know I posses

As much as I miss the people I have left behind, it is nice to come home to those I love more than anyth

I'm b

I haven't been here for a wh

My family's loss hit me the hardes

It seems as though everyone had to go through their own thing lately and I have spent a lot of time thinking about life, about death, about the future and about what really be.ith.y be.ure.hes.g.t B.der.ith.ith.res. it.ids.ean?out.d byess.ife.n' hi.!"ted?ear.ed." to.ine..

Play station game called Bios just came out so thats what I'm working on.

It's a very addicting game.

So far, I have lost about 20 pounds!

lol Now, I just need to work on my physique!

Wow, My baby boy turned 21! I was told I could not post this pic without his consent so I asked him and his answer is "okay" I can post pics of him!

HahahaAnyway, it has been a great day, I'm so glad he's an adult, I feel so bad for my mom when I think about what it was like dealing with me, LOL.

I still say I'm sorry mom for everything that I put you through! lolAnyways, Just wanted to share how much I love my son!

He's the best!

I know you're probably getting sick of my picture posts but this is just too much fun to keep it down!

These are all pics that are "hanging out" in my gallery right now.

Most of the pics in here are of my family, because it's kind of hard to get a pic of them all together without other kids jumping in front of the shot, LOL. This is a pic of my 2nd oldest sister, she looks so cute!

My Aunt lost her battle to colon cancer 2 years ago this week.

It was such a shock to my whole family when she passed away, she wasn't sick! lol.

We all just thought she was having a bad day and didn't want to have a colonoscopy when it actually was a bit.